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Biography of Yvon Taillandier
The painter-sculptor-writer-critic Yvon Taillandier is born in Paris in 1926. The painting of Yvon Taillandier is figurative and narrative; the artist creates an imaginary world with his characters and his own events. Iventor of the "Taillandierland", the artist describes this invented world with its people and its universe. Mixing image and language, Yvon Taillandier invokes a literary painting. His first solo exhibition is held in the French art gallery in Lyon in 1942. Numerous solo exhibitions are organized around his work, especially beginning the early 70s. The artist performs numerous monumental works, including murals for schools (Paris, Boulogne on the sea, Vitry, New Delhi, Ivry, etc.). In 1950, Yvon Taillandier abandons painting in favor of Literature (art criticism, art history). He works for 14 years at the "Connaissance des Arts" and "XXe siècle" reviews. Taillandier, among others, participates in studies on Giotto, Cézanne, Miró, Monet, Rodin, Bryen, Wifredo Lam and others. Yvon Taillandier goes back to drawing in 1969, and begins to "write" stories in comics, he invents a new art critic combining pastiche and text, decorates and paints on all types of media. Note that from 1949, Yvon Taillandier becomes secretary of the Salon of Mai and remains it for 50 years!