The Showcase of the Week
Each week twelve works of our stock will be presented in this showcase. Discover the artist and its work by clicking on the image.
Richier Germaine Palme-Plomb
Suzanne Jean Crystalline inclusion 4
Mastroianni Umberto Mask
Clément Alain Sculpture O6 S4S
Arman Fernandez Venus Musicienne
Eppelé Gerard The interrogation
Papart Max Heraclès
Carlin Michel Petite Suzanne
Penalba Alicia Fruit de Mer
Ubac Raoul Slate
Moore Henry Reclining Figure : Fragment
Guillotin Daniel Balise B-5-10
Artists & stock
999 artists currently in stock (11878 presented works)
New artists and artists with new works
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Last update: 02/10/2017 Next update: 04/12/2017 + ( ) : Number of available works + name: New artist on the website + name*: Artist with one or several new works + name: Artist with a brief biography + name: No available work at presentThe Showcase of the Week
Each week six works of our stock will be presented in this showcase. Discover the artist and its work by clicking on the image. - B