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Stamp by Pablo Palazuelo
fictional stamp
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
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A tribute to Pablo Palazuelo
Après une longue maladie, Pablo Palazuelo de la Pena meurt le 3 octobre 2007 dans la commune madrilène de Galapagar, petite citée où il est né 92 ans plus tôt. Il repose dans le caveau familial du cimetière ancien de Galapagar. Une fleur du laurier rose déposée au pied de sa dernière demeure, en hommage à sa mémoire.
"La géométrie a toujours influencée l’art depuis les peintures préhistoriques jusqu’aux avant-gardes. Cette recherche a toujours existé de manière intuitive." - Pablo Palazuelo
"Palazuelo appartient au groupe des « Grands », comme Chillida et Tàpies ; il est le peintre de la géométrie, une géométrie métaphysique." - Luis Gordillo
"Pablo Palazuelo exprime le sol ocre et rouge de la Castille, ses tracés s’offrent indéchiffrables, tels d’inquiétants symboles, transpositions en signes de ses recherches musicales, cherchant à transcrire ce qu’il appelle « la matière sonore »." - Michel Enrici
"Les rythmes de la nature se traduisent en « art plastique »." - Pablo Palazuelo
"On se méprendrait assez gravement sur l'entreprise de Palazuelo si l'on n'y discernait qu'un savoir superbe des figures. Ce qui oriente sa recherche, c'est la métamorphose incessante de l'être, ce dialogue mystérieux des formes primordiales que l'artiste à pour mission non point de transposer mais de transcrire." - Claude Esteban
"Palazuelo était un poète mystique, un artiste isolé qui s'est exclusivement consacré à ses peintures. Hors du marché, c’était réellement un être pure et vivait dans son monde." - Luis Gordillo
Notes of biography
Between 1933 and 1936, the Spanish painter Pablo Palazuelo studied architecture (Oxford) and art at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers in London. He began painting in 1940. With a scholarship he received from the french Institute of Madrid, he went studying in Paris. There he became friend with Chillida, he met Bernard Dorival, the curator of the Museum of Modern Art and he worked until 1963 before his come back in Spain (Madrid).
He took part in many collectives exhibitions in France and abroad. Palazuelo worked closely with the Galerie Maeght which organized many solo exhibitions in France and abroad (Paris, Barcelona, Zurich, Saint Paul de Vence). He gained prestigious awards as the Kandinsky’s prize (1952) or Carnegie (1958), the gold medal of Bellas Artes (1982).
Palazuelo began sculpting in the early 50's, and he devoted more time to it in the 60’s and 80’s.
Although he painted in a neo-cubist manner, the year 1946 marked his transition to abstraction. His first achievements were based on the observation of natural structures, snow crystals, living cells - he looked into the microscope -, atoms. At first his art used geometric forms then used more sinuous lines, but his art always kept the austere temperament that characterized it. Will follow the stones and the waves subjects for which Palazuelo used his colors scale composed mainly of ochre, raw Siena and red.
Pablo Palazuelo died to Galapagar, near Madrid, in 2007.
Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.
Complete work(s)
Complete work(s)
Non réalisé à ce jour All the complete worksBibliographic track and more
To read about the artist :
- « L'architecture de rêve - Derrière le miroir », n° 104, Maeght Ed., 1958
- « Derrière le miroir », n° 137, Pierre Volboudt, Maeght Editeur, 1963
- « Derrière le miroir », n° 184, Max Hölder, Maeght Editeur, 1970
- « Clefs pour des ... », F. Chevalier, In Chron. de l’Art Vivant n°10, avr. 1970
- « Palazuelo : sculptures et peintures », Galerie Maeght, Zürich, 1978
- « Palazuelo », Claude Esteban, Ed. Maeght, 1980
- « Modelos Estructuras y Formas », coll., cat., Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, 2005
- « Palazuelo - Rétrospective », coll., cat., Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2005
- « Palazuelo-Proceso de trabajo », coll., cat., Macba, 2006
- « Pablo Palazuelo », coll., cat., Fundación Juan March, Palma, 2010
To read from the artist :
- « Palazuelo », P. Palazuelo & C. Esteban, Galerie Maeght, Madrid, 1980
- « Escritos y convers. », Col. oficial de aparejadores y arquitectos técnicos, Murcia, 1998
Website : :
Stamp by Pablo Palazuelo
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
Discover all the stampsListen
A tribute to Pablo Palazuelo
Après une longue maladie, Pablo Palazuelo de la Pena meurt le 3 octobre 2007 dans la commune madrilène de Galapagar, petite citée où il est né 92 ans plus tôt. Il repose dans le caveau familial du cimetière ancien de Galapagar. Une fleur du laurier rose déposée au pied de sa dernière demeure, en hommage à sa mémoire.
"La géométrie a toujours influencée l’art depuis les peintures préhistoriques jusqu’aux avant-gardes. Cette recherche a toujours existé de manière intuitive." - Pablo Palazuelo
"Palazuelo appartient au groupe des « Grands », comme Chillida et Tàpies ; il est le peintre de la géométrie, une géométrie métaphysique." - Luis Gordillo
"Pablo Palazuelo exprime le sol ocre et rouge de la Castille, ses tracés s’offrent indéchiffrables, tels d’inquiétants symboles, transpositions en signes de ses recherches musicales, cherchant à transcrire ce qu’il appelle « la matière sonore »." - Michel Enrici
"Les rythmes de la nature se traduisent en « art plastique »." - Pablo Palazuelo
"On se méprendrait assez gravement sur l'entreprise de Palazuelo si l'on n'y discernait qu'un savoir superbe des figures. Ce qui oriente sa recherche, c'est la métamorphose incessante de l'être, ce dialogue mystérieux des formes primordiales que l'artiste à pour mission non point de transposer mais de transcrire." - Claude Esteban
"Palazuelo était un poète mystique, un artiste isolé qui s'est exclusivement consacré à ses peintures. Hors du marché, c’était réellement un être pure et vivait dans son monde." - Luis Gordillo
Art movements
+ MODERN SCULPTURE / 1930-1970 / William Kenneth Armiage, Constantin Brancusi, Anthony Caro, Naum Gabo, Pablo Gargallo, Isamu Noguchi, etc.
All art movements
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Beyond works currently in stock, it seemed to me useful to combine business with pleasure by letting you discover others works by artists in my gallery. These artworks, now sold or removed from our website, have been in our stock in the past.
These pages will undoubtedly make it possible for some of you to associate an image with its title or the other way round, for others it will be a good time to discover more on such and such artist. For the sake of confidentiality – the pieces being no longer available – we won't display neither their numbering or their price. For whatever reason, make sure to visit this amazing art database with to date 6441 online works just for your pleasure! Michelle Champetier