Contact us
52 Avenue Saint-Jean
06400 Cannes
E: T: +33 (0)4 93 68 11 45 P: +33 (0)6 11 54 08 93 F: +33 (0)4 92 59 13 95
Michelle Champetier certifies on her honour that none of the information of personal nature which you communicate her (name, localization, email address or others) will be revealed to anybody.
To obtain supplementary information regarding a work featured on the site (page works in gallery - new works ") or concerning works by artists (page works in gallery - the stock).
To enquire about the availability of a work featured on the site with a view to eventual purchase.
To appear on my gallery’s client file.
To indicate your field of interest or to obtain information regarding a work you are looking for.
To start the proceedings of an estimation of one or more works of a collection.
To suggest works that are for sale.
To simply write to me.
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