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The Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch is born in 1863 in Loten. He can be regarded as the pioneer of Expressionism in modern painting. Early on he studies the old masters and his early works are imbued with a realism inspired by French realism; quickly Munch's talent is revealed. The theme of the lost being’s loneliness in his anguish proves to be recurrent in his...
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Biography of Edvard Munch
The Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch is born in 1863 in Loten. He can be regarded as the pioneer of Expressionism in modern painting. Early on he studies the old masters and his early works are imbued with a realism inspired by French realism; quickly Munch's talent is revealed. The theme of the lost being’s loneliness in his anguish proves to be recurrent in his work. The importance of his work is now universally recognized. His creative period of the 1890s (including "The Cry" made in 1893, a work that symbolizes modern man swept away by an attack of existential angst) is regarded as the most important. He lives in Paris from 1889 to 1892, where he is most influenced by Impressionism, then obtains success in Berlin, causing the successful founding of the "Secession". Munch is introduced to printmaking: through this medium, while he evolves toward a high concentration of expressive forms. The theme of the "femme fatale", love, terror and death are more frequent, particularly in his prints. In 1908, Munch returns to Norway after a severe depression. He paints (and takes photography) self-portraits so pathetic always more and more expressive. Edvard Munch exerts a tremendous influence on artists of Die Brücke (Germany). The artist dies in 1944. He leaves about a thousand paintings, 4500 drawings and watercolors, and six sculptures to the city of Oslo, which built in his honor the Munch Museum in Toyen.
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Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Bibliographic track & more
To read from or about the artist :
* « The Private Journals of Edvard Munch », J. Gill Holland, The University of Wisconsin Press-Terrace book, 2005* « Si c'est l'enfer qu'il voit : dans l'atelier d'Edvard Munch », Dominique Dussidour, coll. « L'un et l'autre », Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 2006
* « Edvard Munch : entre chambre et ciel », Gérard Titus-Carmel, Ed. Virgile, Besançon, 2007
* « Edvard Munch face à Henrik Ibsen : impressions d'un lecteur », Ingrid Junillon, Ed. Peeters, Louvain, 2009
* « Munch : les couleurs de la névrose », Atle Næss, Ed. Hazan, Paris, 2011
* « Edvard Munch : l'œil moderne », Marion Diez et Caroline Edde, Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2011
* « Sur les pas d'Evard Munch », Stéphane Renault, in Beaux Arts Magazine, n° Hors Série, Paris, 2011
* « Edvard Munch 1863-1944 », Ulrich Bischoff, coll. « Petite collection Art », Ed. Taschen, Cologne, 2011
Website :
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Artists' viewpoints
We cannot paint eternally women who knit and men who read. Edvard Munch.
A tribute to Edvard Munch
Sa dernière œuvre est un autoportrait. Atteint d'une pneumonie, le peintre et graveur expressionniste norvégien Edvard Munch est mort à Ekely, dans sa propriété près d'Oslo, le 23 janvier 1944, un mois et quelques jours après ses 80 ans. Il repose au cimetière de Notre-Sauveur (Vår Frelsers gravlund) situé dans le cœur historique d’Oslo. Sa tombe se trouve dans la section d’honneur. En son hommage, cet iris.
"L'appareil photo ne peut pas concurrencer le pinceau et la palette, tant que l'on ne peut pas l'utiliser au Paradis ou en Enfer." - Edvard Munch
"Errer dans une ville complètement inconnue exerce sur moi un attrait particulier. En absence de plan ou de guide Baedecker, je savoure le mystère de l'inconnu. En flânant, j'absorbe, comme dans un rêve, chaque nouvelle impression." - Edvard Munch
"Une pensée géniale ne meurt pas. Un trait au fusain sur un mur peut avoir plus de valeur artistique que plus d’un grand tableau richement encadré." - Edvard Munch
"La terre a cette belle forme sphérique d’où au printemps jaillit toute la verdure. La terre est un atome vivant qui a sa propre existence et son intelligence, elle respire et son souffle se rassemble en nuages au-dessus d’elle." - Edvard Munch
"J'aime la vie, la vie, même malade." - Edvard Munch
"La maladie, la folie et la mort sont des anges noirs qui ont veillé sur mon berceau et m’ont accompagné toute ma vie." - Edvard Munch
Stamp :
Art movements
- + EXPRESSIONISM / 1900-1932 / Cuno Amiet, Auguste Chabaud, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Otto Mueller, Emil Nolde, Egon Schiele, Chaïm Soutine, etc.
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Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.