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Elder of six children, the engraver and draftsman Jean-Jacques Lecoq was born in Caen in 1940. He is very early passionate about art. In a parallel to his studies, he will follow, as an external candidate and from 1956, a teaching in the School of Fine Arts of Caen.
The young man has, from this period, a real crush for the engraving.
Later, he will purchase a press Ledeuil which will follow him all the life.
Become a primary school teacher, he begins his career in the...
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Biography of Jean-Jacques Lecoq
Elder of six children, the engraver and draftsman Jean-Jacques Lecoq was born in Caen in 1940. He is very early passionate about art. In a parallel to his studies, he will follow, as an external candidate and from 1956, a teaching in the School of Fine Arts of Caen. The young man has, from this period, a real crush for the engraving. Later, he will purchase a press Ledeuil which will follow him all the life.
Become a primary school teacher, he begins his career in the education, continuing however to frequent the School of Fine Arts, to engrave and to work the drawing on alive model.
During more than twenty years, from 1975 till 1987 date in which he retired, Jean-Jacques Lecoq is going to exercise his job by primary school teacher in over-seas. In this school frame, he will specialize as physiotherapist in psychomotricity. He will tavel the Marquesas Islands, Reunion then Martinique, his longest stay. A bove his work, the artist will share his spare time in family, sail and engraving, the hand there on the helm as on the wheel of his press. H e engraves on copper, etching, aquatint, burin, mezzotint, engraving, making himself his editions.
2000 will be the year of return in mainland France, a length travels on a container ship, "La Douce France", with Martinique which goes away slowly to Dunkirk, a thermal and cultural shock!
The artist settlees down in La Ciotat. He participates then in numerous collective exhibitions (Siac of Marseille, Biennial events of the engraving of Track 2000, exposure 21x21 to « Graver maintenant » in Rueil-Malmaison, the World of the Print of Chamalières, etc). He puts a lot into several engravers' associations (Track 2000, The Size and the Pencil, Croqu' Vif) and will expose its prints in Paris, in province and abroad.
W hen we spoke to him about engravers, the artist quoted among others Mario Avati, who gave him the desire to discover the mezzotint, Francis Bacon, Otto Dix, Alberto Giacometti, Odilon Redon, René Char mattered so a lot.
There is a big sensibility and a lot of mystery in the etchings and draws (drawings, feather, ink, lavis) of Jean-Jacques Lecoq. Boatmen of soul, smugglers of art and tracks, the engravers make an incision in the matrix-mother who, after inking, will leave a final work: the Print.
From 2008, Jean-Jacques Lecoq will enter the infernal spiral of the diseases but, almost till the end, his line will not be altered.
In 2013, in spite of the disease or because of it, he will open, due to the collaboration of Sylvianne Adloff (painter and plastic textile), the studio-gallery "L'Allegria", a space of creativity and exchanges.
He left us in La Ciotat in 2014 . . . born in winter under mists, gone in summer under the sun . . .
S ince its departure, "L'Allegria" became "L'Allegria sempré" (The enjoyment always), a message of hope, a family associative place in homage to the artist, who aims to be faithful to his initial vocation, a place of human meetings around the art in its diversity.
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Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Non réalisé à ce jour. All the "catalogues raisonnés"Bibliographic track & more
To read from or about the artist :
* Catalogues pour les expositions Trace, 9ème et 10ème Biennale d'estampe contemporaine, Paris, 2006 et 2008.* Catalogue pour la Triennale de Chamalières, Mondial de l'estampe et de la gravure originale, 2006.
* Catalogue de la 48ème exposition annuelle de la Japan Print Society, Sensaï (Japon), 2007.
* Catalogue de la 1ère Biennale Internationale de Gravure en Avignon - Galerie Novarte, 2007.
* Catalogues des expositions collectives 30ème et 34ème Mini Print Internacional de Cadaqués, 2010 et 2014.
* Carnet des artistes ciotadens (CAC), Ed. Ville de La Ciotat, 2017.
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Few words handwritten by the artist
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A tribute to Jean-Jacques Lecoq
Jean-Jacques Lecoq nous a quittés le 28 Août 2014 à La Ciotat ; il allait vers ses 74 ans. Il repose dans le cimetière de Ceyreste, un petit village provençal mitoyen de La Ciotat, sur les hauteurs, au milieu des pins et sous le chant des cigales. Une tombe à son image, simple, blanche, avec des vases bleus aux couleurs de la Grèce qu'il aimait tant. En son hommage, cette rose.
"Le dessin a toujours été un journal intime et une façon d'être !" - Jean-Jacques Lecoq
"L'enchevêtrement des lignes invite à la proposition de nouvelles formes géométriques qui se devinent pour celui qui cherche une nouvelle image." - Jean-Jacques Lecoq
"La gravure ouvre les portes de la recherche et de la créativité." - Jean-Jacques Lecoq
"Sur le cuivre poli miroitant, il entaille avec des outils simples le dessin qui se révèle, auréolé de fantastique, par une multiplicité de lignes et de traits, dans des ambiances probablement héritées de son long séjour dans les îles." - Christiene Huot
"Créer une forme, pour moi, c'est établir une relation entre l'artiste et l'amateur d'art." - Jean-Jacques Lecoq
"Il émane des dessins de Jean-Jacques Lecoq une transparence de l'être, une certain pudeur, une sensualité, une lumière qui se dessinent, se profilent dans l'esprit avec la palette infinie des émotions à l'état pur." - C. A.
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Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.