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Kasimir Malevitch is born in Kiev (Ukraine, Russian Empire then) in 1879. He is considered one of the fathers of abstraction. Multidisciplinary artist, he becomes a painter, engraver illustrator, sculptor and theorist. Malevich is the creator of an artistic movement, which he calls Suprematism, the three building blocks are the Black Square, the Black Cross and the Black Circle. Supremacism shows the infinity of space, and the relationship of attraction and rejection forms. After training as a...
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Biography of Kasimir Malévitch
Kasimir Malevitch is born in Kiev (Ukraine, Russian Empire then) in 1879. He is considered one of the fathers of abstraction. Multidisciplinary artist, he becomes a painter, engraver illustrator, sculptor and theorist. Malevich is the creator of an artistic movement, which he calls Suprematism, the three building blocks are the Black Square, the Black Cross and the Black Circle. Supremacism shows the infinity of space, and the relationship of attraction and rejection forms. After training as a designer in Moscow (1902), self-taught, he develops a visual work that is declined during his life in a dozen different styles: realism, impressionism, symbolism, Cezannism, Fauvism, neoprimitivisme, Cubofuturism, cubism illogical , Suprematism, supernaturalism. From 1907 to 1935, he participates in 35 avant-garde exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Malevich is an active member of the Russian artistic avant-garde and frequents Kandinsky, Chagall, Matiouchine, El Lissitzky and Rodchenko. At the end of 1915, he exhibits in Petrograd a set of 39 works he calls “supremacy”; with “Quadrangle” (Black square on white background), Malevich forges a landmark work of Suprematism. With the Revolution of 1917, Malevich accepts institutional functions as a teacher and researcher, and fights for democratization. In 1918 he paints “White on White” which is considered the first monochrome of contemporary painting. His manuscript “The supremacism or the World without object” is published by the Bauhaus. A prolific artist, he continues to paint throughout his life. In 1929, he is accused by the Soviet of subjectivism and philosophical dreamer and, in the years after, Malevich is constantly attacked by the press, losing his official duties, and is even imprisoned and tortured. Victim of cancer, he dies in Leningrad in 1935. The condemnation of his work and the supremacy movement by the Soviet government is accompanied by the oblivion of his work during decades, recognition of this artist starting only in the 1970s. Since then, numerous retrospectives around the world are devoted to Kazimir Malevich celebrating him as one of the masters of abstract art.
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Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Bibliographic track & more
To read from or about the artist :
* « Écrits », Kazimir Malévitch, Andréi Nakov, Ed. Champ Libre, Paris, 1975* « Écrits sur l'art », Kazimir Malévitch, 4 vol. L'Âge d'Homme, 1993
* « Kasimir Sévérinovitch Malévitch. J'ai découvert un monde nouveau », Frédéric Valagrègue, coll. « Une vie d'artiste », Ed. Images en manœuvre, 1999
* « Malévitch », Jeannot Simmen et Jolja Kohlhoff, Ed. Könemann, Cologne, 2000
* « Malévitch. Aux avant-gardes de l'art moderne », Andréi Nakov, coll. « Découvertes Gallimard, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 2003
* « Kazimir Malévitch et le suprématisme (1878-1935) », Gilles Néret, Ed. Tashen, 2003
* « Kazimir Malewicz le peintre absolu », Andréi Nakov, 4 vol., Thalia Ed., Paris, 2007
* « History of Creation and Collection, 1918-1941 », V. A. Shishanov, Museum of the Modern Art de Vitebsk, Ed. Medisont, Minsk, 2007
Website :
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Artists' viewpoints
If a painter makes a portrait, he makes above all the portrait of painting; he is concerned, not with the portrait, but with pictorial culture... Kazimir Malevich
A tribute to Kasimir Malévitch
Six ans avant sa disparition, le pouvoir soviétique le stigmatisait pour son « subjectivisme » et le qualifiait de « rêveur philosophique ».Il fut parmi les premiers artistes abstraits du XXème siècle. Le peintre, dessinateur, sculpteur et théoricien, Kasimir Malévitch, est mort d'un cancer le 15 mai 1935 à Leningrad ; il n'avait alors que 57 ans. Son élève le plus fidèle, le peintre Nicolas Souétine, organise des funérailles « suprématistes » dans une scénographie digne de lui ; ainsi, de très nombreux carrés noirs sont collés sur son cercueil qui repose sous un arbre, à Nemchinovka, près de Moscou. En son hommage, cette rose.
"Seul le suprématisme peut exprimer l’essence des expériences mystiques. Il se trouve près de la mort et s’impose sur elle." - Kasimir Malévitch
"La peinture a disparu, comme l’ancien régime, de manière organique." - Kasimir Malévitch
"En faisant connaissance avec l’art des icônes, j’ai acquis la conviction que l’essentiel n’est pas dans l’étude de l’anatomie et de la perspective, ni dans la peinture de la nature dans sa propre vérité, mais que l’essentiel est dans la perception intuitive de l’art." - Kasimir Malévitch
"La création intuitive est inconsciente et n’a pas de but, ni de réponse précise […] Le sentiment intuitif a trouvé une nouvelle beauté dans les objets – l’énergie des dissonances qui résulte de la rencontre de deux formes. […] La forme intuitive doit sortir de rien." - Kasimir Malévitch
"Je ne considère plus le Suprématisme en tant que peintre, ou comme forme que j’aurais fait sortir de l’obscurité de mon crâne, je me tiens devant lui comme quelqu’un qui est à l’extérieur et qui contemple un phénomène." - Kasimir Malévitch
"La démarche philosophico-picturale de Malévitch s’inscrit dans le champ des interrogations les plus hautes de la pensée universelle, non seulement comme point culminant de l’évolution esthétique européenne à partir de Cézanne, mais encore comme système ontologique permettant à « la vérité de l’être » de se révéler." - Jean-Claude Marcadé
Stamp :
Art movements
- + SUPREMATISM / 1915-1920 / Alexandra Exter, El Lissitzky, Alexandre Rodtchenko, Varvara Stépanova, etc.
- + CUBISM / 1907-1925 / Robert Delaunay, Marcel Duchamp, Charles Dufresne, Jacques Lipchitz, Jean Metzinger, etc.
- + BAUHAUS / 1919-1933 / Lyonel Feininger, Johannes Itten, Vassili Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Gerhard Marcks, Georg Muche, Oskar Schlemmer, etc.
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Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.